Rock The Pavement 2017

With the best 5K and 10K course in Minnesota, this is an event you won’t want to miss! Join the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation as we Rock the Pavement on August 19, 2017! Choose to run or walk a 5K or 10K around beautiful Lake Calhoun!

View 2017 Results here

All proceeds from the Rock the Pavement 5K and 10K benefit the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation in the fight for a cure to end Muscular Dystrophy! Muscular Dystrophy encompasses a range of muscle diseases that lead to the loss of muscle function, independence and life. With your support as a runner, walker, or roller, we can fund research to cure and end these diseases!



Saturday, August 19, 2017

Lake Calhoun Executive Center
3033 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, MN  55416

  • 8:10 am: Chip-timed 10K Run
  • 8:20am: Chip-timed 5K Run
  • 8:20am: 5K Walk
  • 9:30am: Kid’s Fun Run (children age 12 and under)

Tri-blend Shirts for All Participants! The First 400 Runners to Register Receive Running Hats!


See the Participant Information and Race maps below:

2017 Participant Information

Calhoun 5K & 10K Map


Invite your friends!
We would love to have your friends and family join us for this great event! 100% of race registrations go directly to research at the University of Minnesota Muscular Dystrophy Center!

You can pick up your race bib and shirt on Friday, August 18th  from 10:00AM-7:00PM at Marathon Sports/Fleet Feet Sports located at 2312 W 50th  Street, Minneapolis, MN 55410.


LOOK FOR THE TENTS (Lake Calhoun Executive Center, northwest corner of the Lake)
The Registration Tents will be set up near the Finish Line. You will need to report there to pick up your race bib if you did not pick it up on Friday. You can also pick up your shirt here.

The 10K and 5K Run are chip-timed and travel counter-clockwise around the lake on Calhoun Parkway and Lake Street. The Kids Run will be .5 miles and will start close to the 10k start line and run north to the finish line.

3033 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55416 (Put this address in Google maps). Calhoun Parkway will be closing between 7 -7:15AM. Plan on arriving early. You can also park somewhere in the neighborhoods around the lake.

Check the 2017 Results

Check the 2016 Results

Check the 2015 ResultsCheck the 2014 Results

 Thank you to our generous sponsors who make this event possible! Because of these sponsors, 100% of racer registration goes directly to researchers at the U of MN MD Center.

$2,500 Sponsors:

10K Sponsor:

5K Sponsor:




$1,000 Sponsors:


 Media Sponsor:




Hat Sponsor:

 Join us as we race and rock to raise funds to cure Muscular Dystrophy!




Research Grant





General Information

Founded in 2002 to commemorate the life of Greg Marzolf Jr., the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness of Muscular Dystrophy through philanthropic activities and to support research for a cure to Muscular Dystrophy.

The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation (GMJF) is dedicated to funding education and research programs benefiting children and families suffering from Muscular Dystrophy and to providing support for patient service care.

The work of the GMJF has had a profound effect on the many successes of the University of Minnesota’s MD Center by enhancing treatment of this disease and patient care. With continued tenacity, the GMJF will fulfill our common goal – to conquer Muscular Dystrophy for the current generation of patients.

The GMJF is excited to continue this partnership with the GMJF Research Grant Program. Together, we share a hope of a tomorrow free from MD!


Eligibility is limited to advanced degree Ph.D. and/or M.D. faculty of the University of Minnesota.


The primary objective of the GMJF grant program is to support new and existing innovative studies that focus on research in Muscular Dystrophy. The awards will be given in the form of seed grants (Approximately $35K, although subject to change) to assist investigators in the early or pilot phase of their studies. Preference will be given to those studies that focus on clinical trials and novel therapeutics for Duchenne MD.

Terms of Support

Projects are to be supported for a one year period with an anticipated start date of February 1,2017. The following expenses are NOT allowed:

a. Faculty (tenure or tenure-track) salary and benefits

b. Secretarial salary and benefits

c. Travel to scientific meetings and conferences

d. Publication costs and purchase of reprints or books

e. Service contracts

f. Conferences, workshops, poster sessions, seminars and other meetings g. Indirect costs

Evaluation of Proposals

Applications are reviewed by a panel of experts, including MD Center faculty. The GMJF board will take the reviewers’ comments and align them with the research mission of the GMJF and make the final decision on which projects will be funded. A funding decision will be made in January and announced at the Cause to Cook for a Cure Gala on January 28, 2017.


Grants will be paid to Medical School departments through invoices to UMF (non-sponsored chart strings will be established). Funds must be used within the period of the grant. After the grant expires, unexpended funds revert to GMJF UMF fund for other research projects.


Grant recipients are required to submit a progress report due October 1, 2017. A final report is required within 30 days of grant expiration and to provide a brief on the project. Failure to meet these obligations will negatively impact the potential for future funding. Grant recipient reports will be displayed on the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation website as well as distributed via newsletter to the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation donor base.


The application form and guidelines are available at the U of MN MD Center Website and also at the link below.



Cause To Cook For A Cure: Shaken, Not Stirred

Please join us on Saturday, January 28, 2017 for the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s


Hope to see you there!

Cause to Cook for a Cure: Shaken, Not Stirred
Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 5:30 P.M.
University of St. Thomas – James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall
The Anderson Student Center
Summit and Cretin Avenues
St. Paul, MN 55105


Online Registration is Closed.

Registration is available at the door, please join us!

 Please email us at with any questions.

The evening will include:

  • Social Hour with passed appetizers and cash bar
  • Mystery Bags, Wine Pull, Prize Board, Silent Auction, Cake Walk and more!
  • Dinner
  • Program and Fund-A-Need
  • Dessert and Coffee with music by a jazz trio
  • and More!

If you have any questions, please email us at
or call 612-720-1715.

Thank you to our event sponsors for their generous financial and in-kind support:












Parking information for event:

Guest parking at the University of St. Thomas is available in the Anderson Parking Ramp located on the corner of Grand and Cretin Avenues
and in the ramp below the Anderson Student Center/Woulfe Hall for a nominal fee.

Free parking is available in surface lots A, B, C, M, N, and O for guests attending the event.


Map and Directions: The Anderson Student Center

Rock The Pavement

Rock The Pavement Walk Run RollDo you like to Rock? Do you like to Run? This is the race for you!

With the best 5K and 10K course in Minnesota, this is an event you won’t want to miss!!!

Join the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation as we Rock the Pavement again on August 20, 2016!!!

Choose to run or walk a 5K or 10K around beautiful Lake Calhoun!

Check the 2016 Results

Are you familiar with Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular Dystrophy encompasses a range of muscle diseases that lead to the loss of muscle function, independence and life. With your support we can fund research to cure and end these diseases! All proceeds from the Rock the Pavement 5K and 10K benefit the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation in the fight for a cure to end Muscular Dystrophy!

The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation was founded in 2002 to raise awareness of Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and fund research for a cure. The Foundation passed the ten-year mark and is well into its second decade of helping children and young adults living with MD. The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation donates 100% of proceeds to The University of Minnesota Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center.

Rock the Pavement to end Muscular Dystrophy!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Lake Calhoun Executive Center
3033 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, MN  55416
  • Chip-timed 10K Run
  • Chip-timed 5K Run
  • 5K Walk
  • Kid’s Fun Run (children age 12 and under)
  • Shirts for all participants
  • Race After party at Famous Dave’s including A FREE FULTON BEER to the first 200 who arrive, $3 Mimosas, and $3 Bloody Mary’s when you show your race bib!


Event details and schedule

Download the 2016 Rock the Pavement Race day information and Race Map

Early Packet Pickup –

Marathon Sports
2312 W 50th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55410
Thursday, August 18 from 5:00PM-8:00PM and Friday, August 19th from 11:00AM-7:00PM

Race Day:

Packet pickup 7:00am
10K start 8:30am
5K start 8:45
Kids Run start 8:15am


Thank you to our generous sponsors!

ExpressScriptsKFAN1003 LOGO_small





Steve Onsum PCA, Inc.



Pederson Realty


  • Coborns
  • Kowalski’s Market
  • Bruegger’s Bagels
  • Trader Joes/St. Paul
  • Twin City Orthopedic
  • Famous Dave’s/Uptown
  • Fulton Brewery
  • Marathon Sports


Check the 2016 Results

Check the 2015 ResultsCheck the 2014 Results

 Join us as we race and rock to raise funds to cure Muscular Dystrophy!




All That Jazz Raises Record-Breaking $72,000 for MD Research

AllThatJazz2AllThatJazz4The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation today announces that its annual Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising gala – this year named All That Jazz – raised more than $72,000 for research for a cure for Muscular Dystrophy (MD), topping all previous Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising totals. The event, held on Jan. 30, brought together 230 people for an evening of great food, live music, laughter and fundraising.

“We’re absolutely thrilled with the level of generosity and passion shown by our guests at this year’s gala,” said Patty Marzolf, president of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation. “Great strides in research and treatment of MD are being made by brilliant researchers right now but funding is desperately needed to make these advances possible for this generation of kids. We’re proud that our supporters stepped up to make a difference. Together we share a hope for a tomorrow free of MD.”

All proceeds from the event will benefit the critical research and outreach programs of the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center at the University of Minnesota.

During the event, Patty announced the recipients of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s new grant program. The three winning proposals received $25,000 grants each. They include:

•       Dr. Peter Karachunski: Clinical Research Study Coordination and Advancement

Funding to support five new clinical trials which would allow the possibility for at least 50 more patients to participate in drug trials that may help treat or manage the patient’s form of MD.

•       Dr. Rita Perlingeiro: Strategies for the Scalability and Purification of Human Es/iPS – derived Myogenic Progenitors for Clinical Application

The Perlingeiro Lab aims to optimize strategies for the scalability and purification of human pluripotent-derived muscle progenitors, two critical aspects to enable the therapeutic application of these cell preparations. Once this is achieved and validated, the team will be in the perfect position to begin IND filing, and a phase 1 safety trial.

•       Dr. Michael Kyba: Skeletal Muscle Regeneration from Teratoma-derived Myogenic Stem Cells

Teratoma-derived skeletal muscle stem cells have tremendous regenerative potential, with as few as 40,000 cells reconstituting 80 percent or more of the muscle mass of a dystrophic tibialis anterior muscle 3 months post-transplant. This extent of regeneration has never been observed with any type of cell therapy previously, therefore it represents a major advance and possibly a game changer for cell therapies for MD.

•       In addition, GMJF will continue to fund young scientists in the field through the Annual Greg Marzolf Jr. Trainee Program at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center at the University of Minnesota.

Patty also announced this year’s recipients of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation Champion Award and Innovation Award.

Derek Thurmes won the Champion Award for his work to transform the Greg Marzolf Jr Foundation’s technology capabilities, as well as upgrading its financial and communication abilities.

“His dedication and vision are extraordinary and his willingness to help is constant, positive and always with a smile and hearty laugh,” said Patty.

Katie Stewart was named the recipient of the Innovation Award for her outstanding work as the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation Treasurer.

“Katie is committed fully to the mission of the foundation,” said Patty. “She serves with a bright spirit, always looks at the pro and cons and never questions new opportunities that will move us forward.”

The activities at All That Jazz included a blend of traditional favorites and new Roaring 20s themed options, such a “bottomless bubbles” champagne bar, prohibition liquor pull, jazz band, prize board, silent auction, wine pull, cake walk, mystery bags, heads and tails and fund-a-need.

The event was held at the James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall at the University of St. Thomas Anderson Student Center.

Sponsors for All that Jazz include: R.F. Moeller Jeweler, Decko, Mauer Chevrolet, KFAN FM 100.3, Green Mill, CliftonLarsonAllen, Shamrocks, Highland Bank, and 7 Corners Print and Promo.

AllThatJazz1 Jazz5AllThatJazz9AllThatJazz3AllThatJazzAllThatJazz6AllThatJazzevent

Cause To Cook For A Cure: All That Jazz




Cause to Cook for a Cure: All That Jazz
Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 5:30 P.M.
University of St. Thomas – James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall
The Anderson Student Center
Summit and Cretin Avenues
St. Paul, MN 55105


The ticket price includes passed appetizers, dinner and live entertainment!

Online registration has closed. If you would still like to attend, you can purchase tickets at the door. If you have questions, please email us at

The evening will include:

  • Social Hour begins at 5:30 P.M. with passed appetizers and cash bar
  • Mystery Bags, Wine Pull, Prize Board, Silent Auction, Cake Walk, Bottomless Bubbles
  • Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
  • Program and Fund-A-Need at 8:00 P.M.
  • Dessert and Coffee with music by a jazz trio at 8:30 P.M.
  • and More!

If you have any questions, please email us at
or call 612-720-1715.

Thank you to our event sponsors for their generous financial and in-kind support:

Parking information for event:

Guest parking at the University of St. Thomas is available in the Anderson Parking Ramp located on the corner of Grand and Cretin Avenues
and in the ramp below the Anderson Student Center/Woulfe Hall for a nominal fee.

Free parking is available in surface lots A, B, C, M, N, and O for guests attending the event.


Map and Directions: The Anderson Student Center

2015 Greg Marzolf Jr. Symposium to be held Thurs. Nov. 19th

The 2015 Greg Marzolf Jr. Symposium will be held from 3 to 6 pm on Thursday, November 19th in the Atrium and seminar room 1-125 of Cancer & Cardiovascular Research Building (CCRB). This year the Universiaty are honored to have Dr. Jeffrey S. Chamberlain of University of Washington School of Medicine, and Director of the Senator Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Cooperative Research Center of Seattle, as the speaker.

Dr. Chamberlain’s presentation will begin at 4:30pm. Prior to his presentation, a poster session featuring undergrad and post-grad research will be held to demonstrate the current muscle biology and disease research at the University of Minnesota.

Marzolf Symposium
Thursday, November 19th
3 – 4:30 pm Poster Session
4:30 – 6 pm Lecture presentation and Q&A
***CCRB 1-125 and Atrium ***
Jeffrey Chamberlain, PhD Departments of Neurology, Medicine, and Biochemistry, the McCaw Endowed Chair in Muscular Dystrophy at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Director of the Senator Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Cooperative Research Center of Seattle

Seminar Title: Development of genetic therapies for Duchene muscular dystrophy.

Rock the Pavement 2015 Raises Nearly $30,000

In its second year, the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s Rock the Pavement brought in nearly $30,000 to support research for a cure for Muscular Dystrophy.

Held on the morning of Aug. 8, 2015 at beautiful Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, Minn., Rock the Pavement brought together hundreds of people to participate in a chip-timed 10K run, a chip-timed 5K run, a 5K walk or a kid’s fun run.

Rock the Pavement began in 2014 as a fun event to raise money and awareness for the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation and Muscular Dystrophy research.

The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation donates 100% of proceeds from the event to The University of Minnesota Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center.

Thank you to our generous sponsors.



Additional sponsors include:

  • Alerus Mortgage
  • GreMar Colonial
  • Park Dental
  • John Griep State Farm Ins.
  • Summit Companies
  • Mental Health Systems
  • R. F. Moeller Jeweler
  • U of MN Muscular Dystrophy Center
  • Anodyne
  • JQP, Inc.
  • Kirschner’s Leinie Lodge
  • Run N Fun
  • Ultra Endurance Sports & Wellness
  • Kettle Strength
  • Catholic United Financial
  • Westlund Family
  • Montgomery Orthodontist
  • Vitamin Shoppe
  • Orange Theory
  • European Wax Center
  • Bruegger’s Bagels
  • Kemps
  • Wirtz Beverage
  • Sam Adams
  • Coborns
  • Whole Foods
  • Trader Joe’s
  • Mauer Chev
  • Metropolitan Pediatric Specialists
  • New Hope Lions
  • Nivala
  • Jackson Medical Supply
  • Olive Grove
  • Saint Paul Firefighters
  • Symphony Senior Home Care


Cause to Cook for a Cure: A Black and White Affair brings in $71,000 for local MD research

2015 Cause to Cook for a CureThank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Cause to Cook for a Cure gala – A Black and White Affair.

The event brought in nearly $71,000 to benefit Muscular Dystrophy (MD) research at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center at the University of Minnesota, one of the top research facilities for MD in the U.S.

The evening took place at University of St. Thomas James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall in the Anderson Student Center and featured a night of dueling pianos by the Dueling Keys, silent auction, wine pull, great food, games, and more. Continue reading

Cause To Cook For A Cure

Cause To Cook

Cause to Cook for a Cure: A Black and White Affair
Saturday, January 31, 2015.
University of St. Thomas – James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall
The Anderson Student Center
Summit and Cretin Avenues
St. Paul, MN 55105

Tickets/RSVP: Ticket price includes passed appetizers, dinner and Dueling Pianos!

Online registration has closed. If you would still like to attend, you can purchase
tickets at the door. If you have any questions, please email us at
or call 612-720-1715.

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. – Social Hour – Mystery Bags, Wine Pull, Prize Board, Silent Auction, Photo Booth

7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Dinner

8:00 – 8:30p.m. – Program and Fund-A-Need

8:30 – 10:30 p.m. – Dessert, Coffee and Dueling Pianos presented by Dueling Keys

Silent Auction closes at 9:00

Thank you to our event sponsors for their generous financial and in-kind support:


Parking information for event:

Guest parking at the University of St. Thomas is available in the Anderson Parking Ramp located on the corner of Grand and Cretin Avenues
and in the ramp below the Anderson Student Center/Woulfe Hall for a nominal fee.

Free parking is available in surface lots A, B, C, M, N, and O for guests attending the event.

Map and Directions: The Anderson Student Center

University of Minnesota Making Great Strides in Research!

This story was used with permission from the University of Minnesota.

A molecular band-aid

A bleeding heart is a metaphor.

A leaking one is a common, and often deadly, reality.

In conditions from Duchenne muscular dystrophy to heart attack and heart failure, leaky heart cells lose proteins vital to long-term survival. For University of Minnesota heart researcher Joseph Metzger, fixing these leaks is a prime concern.

He is part of a U team that has built and used molecules akin to plastic as “molecular band-aids” to repair tears in the cell membranes that enclose muscle cells, keeping those vital proteins inside. Collectively, the patches are known as poloxamers.

“The FDA has approved one form of poloxamer for clinical trials with boys who have Duchenne muscular dystrophy,” says Metzger, head of the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology. “But [we still must secure] funds for the trials.”

Metzger’s colleagues are Frank Bates, head of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and cardiologist Demetri Yannopoulos, an assistant professor of medicine.  Continue reading

Winter Games Gala Takes Gold for Record-Breaking Results

Event brings in the highest-ever dollar amount in history of Cause to Cook Gala events!

Cause to Cook for a Cure 2014The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation raised more than $70,500 to support local muscular dystrophy research at the Winter Games Gala –Champions for a cure – its Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising gala at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. This year’s record-breaking results are the highest ever achieved in the history of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s Cause to Cook for a Cure galas.
The Winter Games Gala was hosted by guest emcee Paul Allen from KFAN radio, who helped drive event participation and contributed to making it such a successful event.

The evening included food from around the world, games of chance including a live outdoor competition, a dessert board, a prize board, wine tasting, a silent auction, a fund-a-need auction and live music from Lightning Creek. You can see photos from the event here.

The money raised at the Winter Games Gala will be allocated exclusively to support the Greg Marzolf Jr. Trainee Program at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center at the University of Minnesota.

RSVP for the Winter Games Gala!

Cause to Cook for a Cure 2014Join us and RSVP online today for the Winter Games Gala – Champions for a Cure fundraising gala on January 18, 2014 at the University of St. Thomas – James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall in St. Paul. You won’t want to miss out on a night of fantastic food from around the world, games, a silent auction, live music and more with the goal of raising money and awareness to support local research at the University of Minnesota for a cure to Muscular Dystrophy.

Celebrating 10 years of support for the University of Minnesota’s MD Center

Check out this great article written by the University of Minnesota on the partnership between the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation and the University of Minnesota’s Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center, which is celebrating ten years.

University of Minnesota

A Night at the Derby Wins Big — $49,000 Raised for MD Research

Cause To Cook - A Night at the DerbyMore than 200 generous people joined us for a hugely successful A Night at the Derby Cause to Cook for a Cure gala in January. Together, we raised a total of $49,000 to support MD research for a cure.

Our new beautiful location at St. Thomas University’s James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall gave us plenty of room to celebrate, dance, and raise money and awareness for an important cause.

The evening included live music from Lightening Creek, delicious Southern Derby fare, specialty cocktails, games of chance including black jack tables, a cake walk and a prize board, wine tasting, a silent auction and a fund-a-need auction that raised more than $12,000.  Continue reading

Give to the Max Day: Nov. 15

As you know, the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation is focused on supporting research for a cure and raising awareness of Muscular Dystrophy (MD), the progressive muscle disease that leads to loss of muscle function, independence and life.

Support the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation by participating in MN Give to the Max Day (Nov.15), which is open now and runs through midnight CT on Nov. 15. Give to the Max Day is a campaign sponsored by Give MN to encourage Minnesotans to raise as much money as possible for Minnesota nonprofits during the 24-hour online campaign.  Continue reading

Symposium showcases exciting research

The Greg Marzolf Jr. Symposium on Oct. 4, 2012 commemorated ten years of support and progress in the partnership between the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation and the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center at the University of Minnesota.

Photo“The Marzolf family has gone above and beyond the call of duty by raising private funds to support the activities of the MD Center,” said Dr. Daniel Garry, Interim Director of the MD Center, during his opening remarks.

The annual event is an opportunity to showcase the exciting neuromuscular research currently being conducted by students at the University of Minnesota and hear from a guest speaker about cutting-edge advances in MD therapies and research nationally.

This year’s guest speaker was Jerry Mendell, MD, director of the Center for Gene Therapy and Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Cooperative Research Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.  Continue reading

United Way

Many Minneapolis and St. Paul area companies are in the midst of annual corporate United Way campaigns. Did you know that you may be able to participate in your company’s United Way campaign while designating a portion of your gift to The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation? Contact us at with any questions on how to navigate the process.

Rock the Green Party is a huge success

Thank you very much to all our supporters for making the Rock the Green party such an incredible success! We managed to raise over $20,000 to support local muscular dystrophy research!

Here are some pictures from the party, enjoy.

The University of Minnesota a “powerhouse” in MD research

Congratulations to the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center at the University of Minnesota for receiving three national grants from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)!

Learn more about the grants and the exciting research happening at the MD Center on the University’s HealthTalk blog. These new grants combine with three additional recent grants from the MDA for a total of over $2 million in current research support.

Nationally, the University of Minnesota ranks second of 222 institutions in the number of active research grants from the MDA.

All proceeds raised by the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation support local research for a cure at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center.

Rock the Green

On August 18th the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation will be celebrating its 10-year anniversary by hosting the first ever “Rock the Green” party at Shamrock’s Irish Nook in Saint Paul.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, Casper and Runyon’s Shamrock’s Irish Nook, Mauer Chev, R.F. Moeller Jeweler and ESPN1500, the event is sure to be a party you won’t want to miss! With live music all day long featuring four different musical guests, carnival games for all ages, a putt putt contest, raffles and more, make sure to mark your calendars now for “Rock the Green”!

Admission is $25, which includes a “Rock the Green” pint glass that provides beer or soda for the day as well as admission to all four musical acts from 2pm to close. Children under the age of 12 are free and eat free from 2pm-5pm. Register and pay online today.

Join us on August 18th to continue the fight against MD. Show your support by wearing green and white, enjoying carnival games for all ages, and dancing to great music! If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring the event, please contact Jenny Marzolf at

Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation Raises $66,500 for Local Muscular Dystrophy Research

The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation raised more than $66,500 to support local muscular dystrophy research at An Evening in Monte Carlo – its annual Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising gala at the Town & Country Club in St. Paul.

This year’s event, with a record-breaking attendance of nearly 300, was also the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s tenth anniversary celebration.  Continue reading

RSVP for Evening in Monte Carlo by Jan. 17

There’s still time to RSVP for an Evening in Monte Carlo, our annual fundraising gala at the Town and Country Club on Sat., Jan. 21. Please RSVP and buy your tickets at by Jan. 17 to reserve your spot. Tickets are $35 and include dinner and apps, a hosted glass of champagne and live entertainment from the band Uniform Free Day. Other activities include casino games, a fund-a-need auction, cake walk, prize boards, wine and cheese tastings and more – all to raise money for MD research. After Jan. 17, contact us at to check availability.

Evening in Monte Carlo: Saturday, January 21

We’re excited to celebrate the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s 10th anniversary with our supporters on Saturday, Jan. 21 with the Evening in Monte Carlo fundraising gala at the Town and Country Club in St. Paul. The gala includes French Mediterranean cuisine, wine and cheese tastings, casino games, a cake walk, silent auctions, a fund-a-need auction, a free welcome glass of champagne, and music from a live band named Uniform Free Day. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. and tickets are $35 and include dinner and appetizers. Please visit the Cause to Cook page on our site to RSVP and purchase tickets: We hope to see you there!

Save January 21, 2012 for an Evening in Monte Carlo!

Please save the date for the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation’s annual Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising gala. On Saturday, January 21, 2012, we will be hosting an Evening in Monte Carlo at the Town and Country Club in St. Paul. All of the money raised at the event will support the Greg Marzolf Jr. Trainee program at the University of MN’s MD Center. More information about the evening will be shared soon – check back regularly for updates! If you are interested in supporting the event through sponsorship or donation, please contact us at

Foundation Raises $30,000 for Local Muscular Dystrophy Research

PhotoSt. Paul, Minn. (February 14, 2011) —The Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation raised more than $30,000 to support local muscular dystrophy research at its recent You Betcha! — A Cause to Cook for a Cure fundraising gala at the Town & Country Club in St. Paul.

“The overwhelming success of this event, even in today’s challenging economic times, speaks to the incredible generosity of this community, our sponsors and our tireless volunteers,” said Patricia Marzolf, president of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation. “The event’s success also speaks to the contagious spirit of our mission to fight muscular dystrophy through research, education, advocacy, and service. Together, we share a belief for a tomorrow free of muscular dystrophy.”  Continue reading

Marzolf Symposium celebrates advances in research

Graduate and post-doctoral students from the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center presented promising research

The excitement was palpable at the fourth annual Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation Symposium as graduate and post-doctoral students presented promising findings from their research at the University of Minnesota’s Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center. The event, held Oct. 29 at Nils Hasselmo Hall on the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus, provided students with an opportunity to share and explain the updates and advancements they’ve discovered in their muscle research.  Continue reading

‘Oui’ made a difference at Salut!!!

Thank you, Salut! party goers!

Standing under a sparkling Eiffel Tower at the Town and Country Club in Saint Paul, 250 people of all ages gathered on Saturday, Jan. 23, to raise money at the second annual gala to benefit the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation. It was a great evening, with much laughter and energy shared by the guests! Just look at these pictures!

French food and wine, a ‘Parisian” artist painting scenic landscapes, wine tasting, cake walk, prize boards: all raising money to help children and adults in the Twin Cities who struggle with the effects of muscular dystrophy.  Continue reading

Promising Results Shared at Marzolf Symposium at U of M


Presenters are joined by Dr. John Day, Dr. Joe Metzger, Pat Marzolf and Greg Marzolf, Sr.

It was standing room only at the Second Annual Marzolf Graduate Student Symposium. Held at the Paul and Sheila Wellstone MD Center on Friday, Sept. 25, 2009 at the Nils Hasselmo Hall on the University of Minnesota Campus. This half-day program gave approximately 100 medical graduate and post-doctoral students the opportunity to share their research findings and updates of diagnostic testing done in lab settings by experts in the fields of neuro-muscular and cardiac medicine.

Dr. John Day, Director of the Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center and Professor of Neurology, welcomed the attendees enthusiastically, saying “All of these studies are inter-related and build on one another. These graduate level students are focused on muscular studies that will lead to treatment regimens that will result in improved length and quality of life for MD patients.”  Continue reading

Grant Recipient Profile: Lisa Anne Borgia

Lisa Anne Borgia is a recipient of the Greg Marzolf Jr. Trainee award and is currently conducting muscle research on horses, which may provide beneficial
clinic information to scientists studying muscular dystrophy. She has her master’s degree in Avian Ecology from Florida International University, and a bachelor’s of science degree in Biology and a bachelor’s of science degree in Communication from Penn State. Lisa is in her last year of the PhD program in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota. She lives in Minnetrista, Minn., is married and has a 24-year-old son who is currently in law school. We asked Lisa the following questions about her research:

Q: Can you summarize your research project?

A: My research looks at the effects of dietetics (specifically oil supplementation and carbohydrate content) on horses with a neuromuscular disease called Polysaccharide Storage myopathy, as well as muscle energetics in normal horses and the effect of training on normal muscle tissue.  Continue reading

Ciao! Translates into Success for Foundation

On Saturday, January 24, 2009 the Greg Marzolf Jr. Foundation hosted the first annual “A Cause to Cook for a Cure: Ciao!” at Town and Country Club in St. Paul, Minn. Although it was a cold winter night in Minnesota, the air was full of energy and excitement fueled by great food, laughter, games, and fun.

Prizes were won and fun was had at all of the “stations,” including wine tasting, cake walk, mystery bags, prize packages donated by Green Mill Restaurants, Wine Merchants, R.F. Moeller Jeweler,  Hobbit Travel, the Twins and the Wild. Attendees occasionally took time out from their game playing and mingling to enjoy the veritable smorgasbord of Italian food including pasta, garlic bread and, of course, gnocchi.

Due to the success of the “Ciao!”, the foundation was able to raise $30,000 for muscular dystrophy research at the University of Minnesota and the Marzolf Trainee Program. It’s important to note that events like Ciao! are a large undertaking and the foundation would like to thank the planning committee for their hard work and sponsors for their financial and in-kind support particularly Bremer Bank, Decko Products and Fishbowl Solutions.